5 ways to maintain your skin health

5 ways to maintain your skin health

5 Ways to Maintain Your Skin Health 

When it comes to skincare, the sooner you have healthy habits in place, the better. Your daily routine is the foundation of your ongoing skin health, and the choices you make today will directly affect how you age as the years go by. So, let’s take a look at some of the ways you can be actively maintaining your skin health.

Read on as we explain five habits that will promote healthy skin. To elevate your skincare journey, shop SumaNurica’s full biotechnology skincare range today. 

Know Your Skin Type 

We all have different types of skin and require different types of care. While our skin type can be affected by other factors in our lifestyle and skincare habits, there’s a genetic predisposition you may have for a certain type of skin. This may change with time and different products used, but there are five common types of healthy skin many people will fall into: normal, oily, dry, sensitive, and combination (skin that’s both oily and dry).

Diet and Hydration

Carefully choosing what you put into your body will reap direct benefits for your skin. Keeping your skin healthy can sometimes mean avoiding certain foods that may negatively affect it – for example, many people who struggle with acne will try to avoid dairy to minimise breakouts. 

When it comes to hydration, however, everyone’s needs are the same. Water helps keep your body hydrated and refreshed, maintaining skin elasticity along the way. People who drink plenty of water daily are less like to suffer from wrinkles, scars, fine lines, and other signs of ageing.


Routine habits that we form in our day-to-day lives can have a significant impact on the overall health of our skin. Sometimes, things we’ve become accustomed to may actually be contributing to breakouts, wrinkles, and symptoms of unhealthy skin. Lifestyle choices that can affect skin health include sun exposure, lack of exercise, smoking, poor sleep, and even being in stressful environments.

Protect Your Skin With SPF

UV rays and sunburn can do severe, long-lasting damage to your skin. If you’re looking to protect your long-term health, then including SPF in your daily skincare routine is a must. High-protection SPF isn’t just a necessity for extremely sunny days, after all. Consistent protection from sun exposure is a key facet of great care.

Invest in Quality Products 

Starting up a strong skincare routine is one thing, but you can’t exactly choose any old product to do the task. High-quality products created with proven formulas may be pricier at times, but at the end of the day, it’s an investment your skin will be thanking you for throughout the rest of your life. If you’re serious about skincare, researching the best products on the market is the best route forward.

Shop the SumaNurica Skincare Range to Boost Your Skin Health

Looking for unbeatable, comprehensive skincare? SumaNurica has got you covered. Our Collagen Essence Hydrating Face Mask is built through a patented, well-researched formula, which is preservative-free and sourced entirely sustainably. Designed to lock in hydration for a supple, dewy effect on your skin, this is a purchase you certainly won’t regret. Start prioritising your skin health by taking a look at our face mask and wider skincare collection today.

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