Lab-produced or botanically derived skincare?

Lab-produced or botanically derived skincare?

Should You Choose Lab-Produced or Botanically Derived Skincare?

When researching skincare products, there’s an almost intimidating array of options available. For the average person, weighing up genetically engineered and botanically derived products is a confusing process. The difference is straightforward: chemically synthesised skincare products are prepared in a laboratory with scientifically derived methods, while botanically derived skincare is made from plants. 

But which is better? Which should you be looking for when investing in high-quality skincare? To make it all easier, we’ve outlined all the essential understanding you need in order to make an informed decision about your skincare routine.

This blog details the differences between genetically engineered and botanically derived skincare products. To shop for industry-leading skincare products to improve your skin health, browse SumaNurica’s skincare range today.

A Spotlight on Botanically Derived Skincare

For some people, botanically derived skincare products appear to be the superior option. Plant-based products can have remarkable benefits for the skin. Ingredients such as essential oils, water-based extracts, and CO2 extracts can work wonders.

The big draw many find from organic skincare is the environmentally friendly aspects. Using natural resources and avoiding lab-produced chemicals is commonly thought to be the nontoxic option. However, you must consider that using natural resources takes resources from the environment, which may have been subjected to pesticides and irritants.  

Despite the massive natural benefits many plant-based products can offer, it’s worth pointing out that chemicals are not inherently harmful to the skin. Plus, there is a unique risk to non-tested products, as natural products that aren’t subject to any lab time aren’t necessarily engineered for the greatest success possible.

Also, just because something is labelled ‘natural’ or ‘botanical’ does not mean it is organic or good for the skin. It’s important to assess whether you’re truly purchasing a natural product or whether clever marketing has led you to believe that. For example, some products are labelled as botanically derived or natural, but are packed with harmful chemicals and fragrances. It’s always best to check the ingredients and the brand’s approach before making your purchase. 

The Benefits of Lab-Produced Skincare

There can be a taboo around products produced in a lab, but concepts of artificial care or unsustainable ingredients are a thing of the past. Science-packed biotechnology has steadily become a standard in modern skincare. 

Biotechnology takes the best of nature and science and combines them together to bring you a new era in skincare. 

Efficacious and clean beauty is now an expectation, and labs are producing products that reap the benefits of organic ingredients without requiring harvesting and farming that can deplete resources. Cutting-edge skincare brands like SumaNurica are combining biotechnology with skincare, creating modern formulas built on engineering techniques proven for success.

Finding What Works Best for Your Skin 

At the end of the day, finding the right products for your body is a matter of research and trial. Our skin has unique needs, and there’s no blanket answer for whether botanically derived or lab produced is wholly better. The fact is that lab-produced skincare provides an opportunity to engineer reliable, healthy products that are manufactured down to every last detail for success. 

Finding a product that combines the natural benefits of organic essences and environmentally ethical practices with modern biotechnology is the best route forward for everyone.

Shop SumaNurica For Reliable Skincare Products 

If you’re looking for the best of both worlds, SumaNurica is the luxury skincare brand for you. Products such as the Collagen Essence Hydrating Face Mask has been developed using biotechnology that engineers clean beauty in a controlled environment, ensuring that you’re receiving safe and effective skincare.  

We combined expert lab technologies with sustainable, environmentally friendly manufacturing. Our products contain no animal testing, fragrancing, silicones, GMOs, or countless other artificial and unethical factors that you’ll want to avoid.

Enjoy the benefits of products engineered with the latest biotechnology available without a negative impact on the environment.

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